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How to install, maintain, and run a BIND9 DNS server (named). Covers building from source, configuring, hardening, and DNS over TLS as well as DNSSEC.

Updated on 2024/07/23.

Atomic Red Team x Unix Artifacts Collector

An overview of spinning up a test environment, and extracting evidence from any unix-like endpoint. This is mostly for personal reference, as it's just pointing to all the existing (and vast) documentation in a sequence that's useful for me -- and hopefully for you as well.

Updated on 2024/07/12.

OpenSCAP Practical Usage

Install OpenSCAP, pull compliance profiles from GitHub/ComplianceAsCode, debug policies with Ansible's -C and -D options, apply, test, and maintain policies with Ansible tags.

Updated on 2024/07/10.


Various configuration settings and notes for Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Updated on 2024/07/23.